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Drama Love Island Australia Season 4 reviews

Drama Love Island Australia Season 4 reviews Love Island Australia Season 4 Episode 23

In summary, the post-truth or dare scene activities and revealing the new relationships are discussed by the islander crews. Affirmations include:

The twins are revealed to the islands.

More Mitch Bomb and Tina. King of the Villa was declared. The twins are coupled up with others in the villa. One islander is dumped by the superfans. Who was in the bottom three will surprise you?

The episode in more detail

Hugh kisses Tina to complete the third kiss dare in front of Mitch Bomb and the crew. Jordan dared Callum to skinny dip in the pool and with no hesitation, he ran to the pool buns exposed. Then the rest of the boys joined in the action by joining Callum in the pool as the girls looked on.

Post pool party, Callum, Mads, and twin Hugh gather for a chat to discuss the reveal and how insane his behavior was towards his sister. He reflects on his own situation at home with his eldest sister bringing home boyfriends. Trying to dig himself out of all the awkwardness with Hugh. Mad was taking notes. Hugh verbalizes his confidence and forgiveness towards Callum’s behavior prior to the reveal in his in-the-moment solo camera scene.

Next scene Mitch Bomb gathers with Maddy in the teepee for a conversation about the reveal. He acknowledges his behavior towards Maddy in front of her twin brother, then proceeds to kiss her in front of Hugh. Both are willing to explore this relationship in terms of the contract. In her in-the-moment solo camera scene, she claims he is a good kisser and they are both flirtatious.

The next scene was with Callum and Tina discussing the truth or dare event and their body language appeared to be in sync with the conversation. She claims she has enjoyed getting to know him and an attraction is there according to her present feelings.

They both exchange some more banter and close the scene with some close kissing. She adds about more kissing and cuddling in bed later tonight in the solo camera scene.

More Mitch Bomb and Tina

Mitch Bomb and Tina are talking in the next scene about their complicated situation again with producers reminding us that both did not know the other was joining the season. However, they should have suspected complications when they signed up for a return. The storyline continues with the usual comments about the other is watching and it is complicated. Who will make the move first? Will it come to light? He judges her and she judges him. Claims of just being for fun as in a game. She claims he is being manipulative in what he describes as her actions. She wants more reciprocation of her feelings towards him. The scene ends with tears and words of not wanting to hurt each other again were expressed.

This is episode 23 in full.

Mitchell in the next scene claims he will not get into any other girl while he is here. He shared this information with Callum who is excited about the news. Phoebe S and Claudia also discuss how they want to carry their respective partners around everywhere they go. The love word was mentioned, boyfriend and girlfriend were the next levels of commitment, which adds to their respective commitment to one another.

Moving along, Mitch Bomb finally reaches the intersection of Tina (or Stella not mentioned) or Maddy after discussing the pentagon relationship now present. Callum already pulled Tina aside and asked her to get her act together today. No more chats until she makes a decision. More honest emotions from Tina asking for reassurance from him to rebuild their relationship. She wants to avoid any embarrassment and does not want to look stupid if his head turns again. Tina seeks to be wanted by someone like all of us do. They kiss, and their reaction as they left the main bedroom, was it did not make sense.

Relationships explored

More exploring of the various relationships continues this time Mitch Bomb seeks Phoebe S for a discussion and she points him toward Tina. While Callum and Maddy settle into a chat about whether their relationship progressing or not. Callum and Maddy seem more into each other talking about music and avoiding the Mitch Tina situation. More Mitch and Tina time with long kisses and hidden smiles from the rest of the islanders.

Finally, it is Stella and Hugh’s time, as he describes her as his type of girl. They talk in the teepee for the scene exploring their relationship possibilities. He reflects on the data he has and calls her the most genuine chick in the villa. She is. Stella expresses that this is the fastest new connection she has experienced in her time on the show. So this is good for the superfans watching and her as well!

Mitch Bomb reveals to Maddy that he wants to put more energy into his and Tina’s relationship wanting to also talk with her. He likes not to shut other down other girls. Maddy is happy about the reveal he offered her although it disappointed her somewhat. Tina pulls Callum for a chat and he knew what was already coming. He was funny and happy as well. He asked if he would still get a kiss in bed tonight. In addition, he claims he has a nine out of ten bird in Madds to develop a relationship with.

Who Is Voted Mr. Love Island?

The next scene brings out the competition where the boys have to win votes from the girls to claim the title of Mr. Love Island. Mitch Bomb’s line as he claimed the win last season and therefore was the reigning king! No ego on show here. Did this convince the girls to vote for him?

Phoebe S gave him a zero out of ten! She loves to keep him honest, her dealings with footie players’ egos on the show!

Al was first up showcasing his body, tan, and communication skills or lack of them. He claims many achievements inside and outside the villa. One example is taming the Jess dragon which brought great laughter from the girl panel. Jess was right, he wrecked it by just talking! Phoebe S – 4.3/10, Claudia 4.6, Jess 6/10, no other scores revealed but who cares.

Next up was Austen exposing his buns for the girls as he started leading on the catwalk. A strategic move on his part. Catwalk-styled pronouncing entertained the girls more as they cheered his every move. Pulling his speech paper from his swimwear with a close-up of Claudia’s reaction. Offers his platform description including a free vibrator for every woman to always have pleasure even when their man is not home.

Continuing with Callum on the catwalk, with his hands all over his body, the audience watched then came the communication skills. He claimed to have more chat than a phone box, a Greek god body, and banned gherkins/pickles for some reason in hamburgers. Stella rated him 6.7 for making her laugh. Maddy gave a 7.5 mostly for the catwalk, losing points for the gherkins statement as she is a fan.

Original Mitch was next to walk the pink catwalk. He blew all the panel a kiss, then read his speech claiming that he may not be the smartest, best body but came here to find love. Insert Phoebe S smile. Phoebe S and Phoebe H both gave him 10/10 and Maddy only a 6.

Hugh walked the catwalk. With a surprising approach, he came out spicy according to Stella. In the end, he lost his swimsuit to a great deal of anxiety and displeasure from the panel. Phoebe S rated him a zero. Claudia invented a negative zero. Maddy was seriously disturbed by the whole event and gave him a one purely for being rated. Again no one else is shown. Claudia told him to sit down.

Mitch Bomb presented his physicality up and down the pink catwalk with many wow reactions from the girls. Pushups, butt bending, and other actions. Tina claimed that this has all been seen before. Then he read his speech! Phoebe H rated 3.5 if he had kept his mouth shut it would have been 9/10.

Finally, Jordan the lion returned to the long catwalk, which brought many smiles from the girls. Phoebe H was impressed. He went au natural with an unprepared written speech off the top of his head. He is a country boy, he has all the morals and treats women like a gentleman, the magic mullet, something about tools. In the world he would change, it would be 25 C, no work, and everyone to the beach. Phoebe S 9.57/10, Phoebe H 11/10 with hearts, she literally fell in love came out of her mouth. Lots of reaction from all the islanders for that comment.

Results – third place Original Mitch, with second place – Austen, the winner was Jordan. Celebrating with champagne shower to all the boys.

Firepit Action

The firepit – The twins have been given the power to split up two of the couples tonight. Hugh voted for Maddy to couple up with Callum. Maddy voted for Hugh to couple with Stella.

The superfans voted for islanders to stay, the bottom three included Original Mitch, Jordan, and Phoebe H!

Phoebe H was dumped from the island.

A 30-minute exit was given to her via text.

She spends time with Jordan who claims he will be back in Queensland in no time to her. He also claimed that he is not interested in any other girl here in the villa. Was that a just-in-the-moment claim? He just won Mr. Love Island and the superfans revealed their low support for him. Her exit leaves him single along with Tina and Mitch Bomb. The other question includes Original Mitch’s need to improve his standing with the superfans as the twins were the final two bombs to arrive this season.

Will Tina’s eyes be turned by Jordan? Or is she headed toward her ex Mitch Bomb?

All the girls start to question Jordan’s apparent decision to stay without Phoebe H and try to come to realize he may just hang out with the boys. Claudia and Stella are confronting Phoebe to question why isn’t he leaving as well. She reveals to him that the girls are shocked that he is not leaving with her. He appears surprised because he has not thought about her feelings toward him!

She calls him out because it makes her sad he isn’t leaving with her. Bravo. Kudos to her! His reaction and claim that he loves all the islanders etc. That does not fly with anyone. Immature Jordan just thinking of himself right now. In her closing words, upset at leaving alone, she reminds everyone how pointless it is to be on “Love Island” without someone. Phoebe is a classy girl who received a bad edit for fans to judge and showcases how fragile love is!

Jordan stayed with his friends becoming a lame-duck contestant. Superfans’ reaction will be brutal.

Jordan may even just leave if he can not couple up if he has any clue or is pushed by other islanders. He really messed up on the truth bike as he admitted to the Monk in the last episode.

Have you any thoughts on this episode? Trash or treasure.

Here is another review of this episode. Follow and or subscribe to the originator if you enjoy their review.

Next time – Mitch NZ makes it official.

Who said what Game drinks in the face time?

Al receives a face load of drink from Jordan

A girl gives Callum a drink.

Maddy reads Jessica’s comments about her aloud.

Callum talks about the Austen Mitch Callum Pheob H truth or dare. Who throws the drink at who will be revealed next time?

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Katrina Web
Interests in media and writing content. Enjoys a variety of interests including following reality tv shows. Has a media degree and a passion for people.

Katrina Web

Interests in media and writing content. Enjoys a variety of interests including following reality tv shows. Has a media degree and a passion for people.

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