Showcasing the Human Spirit

American Idol 2022 Results Contestants News read

Episode Four

The search auditions continue and here are some of the highlights in no particular order…


Douglas Mills Jr.’s audition quiets all of the bullies…

Dan sings Garth and Marshalls a Hollywood week result…

A Standing O for Elli Rowe makes this a memorable audition and worth the follow! Well done Elli!

Thomas Patrick Moran appeared this week and video

Sam Moss’s audition included some extra work…watch

Kevin Gullage’s audition is shown tonight…

Jacob Moran audition

Haley Slaton auditioned and chased her dream watch.

In addition,  the average age of Idol contestants this year is 20, according to Wolflick.

Contestants: Sam Barber (Plaid shirt), Mark Ian Osbourne (“You guys know this is nerve wracking”), Cameron Whitcomb (High-fives Ryan),  Danielle Clavell (Lionel dancing), Hazi (crying guy), (bullied vest guy ???), Tyler N. Allen dedicates his audition to his nephew who just passed away.

He performs the song that he used to sing to rock him to sleep, Mike Parker, Dan Marshall, Rose O’Neal, ?, (Bucket hat girl at piano ?), Joedi Silvers (Cowboy hat), Emily Faith (Blonde guitar girl), Katie O (Girl in red), Tristen Grisset (Holding golden ticket),  (compiled by Blake Busch)

Some highlights here from the premiere

Other links and performances are on site or in the spoiler portion.

Episode THREE next page

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Luke Small
Follows news media across several countries. Has been writing for over 25 years in entertainment field. Enjoys basketball and fishing.

Luke Small

Follows news media across several countries. Has been writing for over 25 years in entertainment field. Enjoys basketball and fishing.

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