The Voice Australia 2023 Show News

The Voice Australia 2023 Show News

The Winner is announced of the latest series The Voice Australia 2023 Show News

Here is our summary of the season from Australia with the wrap of who won and the three runners-up as voted by the viewers. Channel 7 Australia and its partners produced another series finding four good finalists. The winner was Tarryn Stokes.

Many of the performance videos have been deleted or archived from public vision. The old URLs may or may not work.

The Voice 2023 Finalist and Winner Tarryn

Tarryn Stokes was crowned winner of the popular singing competition.

The mother of two, 40, won a recording contract and $100,000 in prize money. ‘It feels amazing, going from The Blinds to being in the Grand Finale and somehow believing I can do this. Thanks to my coach Rita Ora for believing in me,’ she said.

Rita, 32, ‘You did this! It’s just incredible, you’re incredible, and remember this is just the start.

Congrats to Tarryn Stokes and her followers this season on the final episode for 2023.

‘That is hands down one of the best vocals ever to happen on this show ever, ever,’ Rita stated.

Runners Up Shown Below

Charlie, Ethan, and Ezra do their thing with coaches as seen.


Sunday, October 8th is the finale.

It’s all nonsense for the audience. Wake up Australia. Remember when the show was partly live and on air regularly over at nine?

The Top 4 Announced Results October 8, 2023

Ezra, Tarryn, Charlie, and Ethan all delivered themselves a pathway to the finale. You now have a chance to vote. See the link. Only four performances were released by the producers for this episode.

More episodes, more singing, more coach comments, and reality checks for each contestant oops artist!

Fun fact! Channel 7 released this latest season of the local franchise, which just happens to share the name of a constitutional referendum political event. With that said we focus on the singers and audience reactions, not the political referendum.

Top Four Original Songs Released

Episode 14 shown below

Episode 13 and others are available here

Table of Contents
The Voice 2023 Finalist and Winner Tarryn","text":"The Voice 2023 Finalist and Winner Tarryn","link":"the-voice-2023-finalist-and-winner-tarryn"},{"level":4,"content":"Runners Up Shown Below","text":"Runners Up Shown Below","link":"runners-up-shown-below"},{"level":4,"content":"Earlier","text":"Earlier","link":"earlier"},{"level":3,"content":"The Top 4 Announced Results October 8, 2023","text":"The Top 4 Announced Results October 8, 2023","link":"the-top-4-announced-results-october-8-2023"},{"level":4,"content":"Top Four Original Songs Released","text":"Top Four Original Songs Released","link":"top-four-original-songs-released"},{"level":3,"content":"Prerecorded Shows","text":"Prerecorded Shows","link":"prerecorded-shows"},{"level":3,"content":"The Battles","text":"The Battles","link":"the-battles"},{"level":3,"content":"","text":"","link":""},{"level":4,"content":"A short summary of the night","text":"A short summary of the night","link":"a-short-summary-of-the-night"},{"level":4,"content":"Team Jess – David Aumua and Ezra Williams","text":"Team Jess – David Aumua and Ezra Williams","link":"team-jess-david-aumua-and-ezra-williams"},{"level":4,"content":"Team Rita – Emily Kate and Tarryn Stokes","text":"Team Rita – Emily Kate and Tarryn Stokes","link":"team-rita-emily-kate-and-tarryn-stokes"},{"level":4,"content":"Team Guy – Bella Mackenzie and Charlie Pittman","text":"Team Guy – Bella Mackenzie and Charlie Pittman","link":"team-guy-bella-mackenzie-and-charlie-pittman"},{"level":4,"content":"Team Jason – Callum Warrender and Ethan Beckton","text":"Team Jason – Callum Warrender and Ethan Beckton","link":"team-jason-callum-warrender-and-ethan-beckton"},{"level":3,"content":"The Voice Continues at 7.00 pm on Sunday on Channel 7 and 7Plus","text":"The Voice Continues at 7.00 pm on Sunday on Channel 7 and 7Plus","link":"the-voice-continues-at-700-pm-on-sunday-on-channel-7-and-7plus"},{"level":4,"content":"Callum Warrender Frozen","text":"Callum Warrender Frozen","link":"callum-warrender-frozen"},{"level":4,"content":"Bella Mackenzie - Journey Song","text":"Bella Mackenzie - Journey Song","link":"bella-mackenzie-journey-song"},{"level":4,"content":"Andrew v Callum v Alex","text":"Andrew v Callum v Alex","link":"andrew-v-callum-v-alex"},{"level":4,"content":"Bella v Jaydean","text":"Bella v Jaydean","link":"bella-v-jaydean"},{"level":4,"content":"Elly v Markley","text":"Elly v Markley","link":"elly-v-markley"},{"level":4,"content":"Etienne v Ethan","text":"Etienne v Ethan","link":"etienne-v-ethan"},{"level":4,"content":"Robbie v Charlie","text":"Robbie v Charlie","link":"robbie-v-charlie"},{"level":4,"content":"Maree v Calista","text":"Maree v Calista","link":"maree-v-calista"},{"level":4,"content":"Jess Mauboy and Jason Derulo Coaches On Stage","text":"Jess Mauboy and Jason Derulo Coaches On Stage","link":"jess-mauboy-and-jason-derulo-coaches-on-stage"},{"level":4,"content":"Ultimate Callbacks","text":"Ultimate Callbacks","link":"ultimate-callbacks"},{"level":4,"content":"Calista Nelmes","text":"Calista Nelmes","link":"calista-nelmes"},{"level":4,"content":"Callum Warrender ","text":"Callum Warrender ","link":"callum-warrender"},{"level":4,"content":"Alexis Jeans","text":"Alexis Jeans","link":"alexis-jeans"},{"level":4,"content":"Gezel Bardossi","text":"Gezel Bardossi","link":"gezel-bardossi"},{"level":4,"content":"Ezra Williams","text":"Ezra Williams","link":"ezra-williams"},{"level":4,"content":"Jaydean Miranda","text":"Jaydean Miranda","link":"jaydean-miranda"},{"level":4,"content":"Robbie Hunt","text":"Robbie Hunt","link":"robbie-hunt"},{"level":4,"content":"Emily Kate","text":"Emily Kate","link":"emily-kate"},{"level":4,"content":"Earlier ","text":"Earlier ","link":"earlier"},{"level":4,"content":"Episodes Two Three Four and Six","text":"Episodes Two Three Four and Six","link":"episodes-two-three-four-and-six"},{"level":4,"content":"Episode One","text":"Episode One","link":"episode-one"},{"level":3,"content":"Coaching panel","text":"Coaching panel","link":"coaching-panel"},{"level":4,"content":"Rules","text":"Rules","link":"rules"},{"level":2,"content":"The Teams this Season","text":"The Teams this Season","link":"the-teams-this-season"},{"level":4,"content":"Contestants" This Season via for music rights permissions and Guide: What Is It And How Do You Get Around in Stokes sings Winner Takes Beckton Call Back with a James Bay Pittman Teenage Dream by Katy Rhodes A X Gloria Steven Michael Taunton Never Love Lady Poletti Nelmes Watson The Voice Esber Band Overnight boy band turns all four chairs Coaches On Stage many acts will appear on your screen or other media this singer stuns coaches first look at the new season of song>

Prerecorded Shows

This season similar to the previous season(s) has been prerecorded. You are likely to see and hear any of the coaches appear in the media outside the studio walls. The results were recorded and the four possible winners were canned. All the producers need is your decision for the final reveal. Live shows are too expensive for us peasants.

A note about the videos from the original source. The clips do not contain the coaches’ comments. Producers do not include them. Again you may have to search video uploading site(s) to find them. Results are on social media. There are over 70 acts this season and it continues the problem for an audience to find contestants who are worthy of investing time.

The Battles

Shown as a two-episode round featuring 25 acts six for three coaches while Jason could not count with seven compete. Team Jason vs. Team Guy on night one and Team Rita vs. Team Jess followed. The goal is to reach the next round of semi-finals.

This season will be over before your own eyes and soon.

Previous eliminated artists were Gezel Bardossi, Elsa Marilyn, Nyree Huyser, and Levi X from Team Rita; and Giaan Jordan, Shyjana, Jade Taunton, and Dillon Rhodes from Team Jess.

A short summary of the night

David makes Jess cry and then she picks Ezra. Can’t help but think she chose her out of friends’ obligations. Then Callum blows the roof off the house & Jason picks Ethan.

At least Guy & Rita got it right. It’s all subjective in the end.

No live shows at all period.

The winner’s announcement(s) are pre-recorded with four instances. You decide to see who wins and the correct recording is played. Well, that is the plan.

Team Jess – David Aumua and Ezra Williams

Team Rita – Emily Kate and Tarryn Stokes

Text ‘Tarryn’ to 0417 779 677 in OZ only.

Team Guy – Bella Mackenzie and Charlie Pittman

Team Jason – Callum Warrender and Ethan Beckton

Sunday 7.00 pm on The Voice: In the epic semi-final ofThe Voice, eight artists go head-to-head to fight for their place in the Grand Finale.

The Voice Continues at 7.00 pm on Sunday on Channel 7 and 7Plus

Jess took “soul sister” Ezra Williams to the Semi-Final.

Tarryn wins a Semi-Final berth.

Gezel Bardossi and Elsa Marilyn departed the competition.

Giaan Jordan leftThe Voice, after momentarily forgetting the words to Justin Bieber’sHold On. In a poignant goodbye, Giaan told mentor Jess: “I really looked up to you as a little girl. I would see you on my TV, you’d make me feel better about myself. You’ve taught me so much. I’m so grateful to have met you.”

Emily Kate was awarded Rita’s Semi-Final Fast Pass, commenting it was a “no brainer seeing the growth and taking on board advice and really turning into a superstar”.

David Aumua won his emotional Battle securing a Fast Pass from coach Jess.

Powerhouse performers Nyree Huyser and Tarryn Stokes.

Callum Warrender Frozen

Jason sent a shocked Callum to the Semi-Final.

Bella Mackenzie – Journey Song

Team Guy’s Bella Mackenzie also secured Semi-Final place.

Andrew v Callum v Alex

Jason offered to send the three acts through as a supergroup and after some discussion was declined. Then he sent a shocked Callum to the Semi-Final.

Bella v Jaydean

Elly v Markley

Etienne v Ethan

Ethan Beckton secured a Semi-Final fast pass after he won his battle against Etienne Steven performingCeilingsby Lizzy McAlpine.

Robbie v Charlie

Guy awarded Charlie Pittman his Semi-Final fast pass

Maree v Calista

Jess Mauboy and Jason Derulo Coaches On Stage

Six team members from Jess and Seven from Jason watch their coaches show how it is done. Jason’s results aired on this show while Jess’ will air on Sunday Night.

Sunday 7.00 pm on The Voice: Team Jess and Team Rita’s remaining artists vie for a place in the Semi-Final, plus Rita Ora takes toThe Voicestage with an exceptional performance.

Ultimate Callbacks

Read all the drama featured in this episode

The Bushwackers withdrew fromThe Voiceafter performing Paul Kelly’sDumb Thingsin their Ultimate Callback duel with powerhouse singer Ezra Williams.

Above link

Jason also sent Calista Nelmes to The Battles over Jade Talbot’s left.

Calista Nelmes

Callum Warrender

Jason took both Callum and Alexis into a three-some battle next round.

Alexis Jeans

Gezel Bardossi

12-year-old Gezel Bardossi advanced.

Ezra Williams

Advanced over The Bushwacker duo.

Jaydean Miranda

Jaydean Miranda progressed to Guy’s Battle team.

Robbie Hunt

Robbie Hunt secured his battle position.

Emily Kate

Rita also took Emily Kate to The Battles this round.


Episodes Two Three Four and Six

Episodes one through four, six, (five is missing) are included below. They may disappear without notice. Check back for any additional full episodes at the source.


Episode One

Several great performances

Shanae, Ettiene, and Ethan won the night. The surprise of the night went to Andrew!

The next episode will be soon.

Source credits

Channel Seven Australia

The Voice Australia 2023 Show News
The Voice Australia 2023 Show News The Voice coaches Jessica Mauboy Guy Sebastian Rita Ora and Jason Derulo Credit Seven

Coaching panel

Global singing superstar Jason Derulo says he is stunned by the level of talent among the aspiring singers who will compete when The Voice Australia returns to Channel 7 and 7plus on August 6.

Derulo will join returning coaches Rita Ora, Guy Sebastian and Jessica Mauboy for another sensational season, which is set to uncover brand new talent and make musical dreams come true.


Auditions, Each coach can select 12, yes Guy nothing greater than 12 members per team.

Next, six will advance, so 50 percent will stay and the other 50 percent will go home.

A process of The Callback phase will then decide on any number of the six potential team members. Each may have to perform on stage again in a shoot-out arrangement. For a few lucky contestants, team members, the coach’s choice will automatically advance to the next round without having to sing again. See the video below.

The Teams this Season

Here is a link to find all the names of each team. Four teams of 12.

Who Did Not Make It Past The Callbacks Event

Contestants This Season via Idolssa

A list of contestants from the above source. Check the site for details.

Geo-blocking for music rights permissions and money

Another season and another round of geo-blocking of auditions and other performances where locations are blocked by the producers. Several auditions are subject to these bans and will appear later where possible. You can find them yourself on YT or other sites. Links will appear.

Europe passed legislation on the subject in 2018.

Geoblocking Guide: What Is It And How Do You Get Around It in 2023?

Geoblocking is a technique used by companies that restrict people’s access to content based on their geographical location. It prevents people in one country from accessing the content of…

Episode 11

Another round of callbacks with acts being called to sing mostly old relics from the distant past. Many of the younger audience are likely to never have heard the songs unless they listen to their parent’s playlist. If you are under 25 then you may have found these songs new. You may be the exception and you should enjoy your variety of music unique.

Tarryn Stokes sings ABBA’s ‘The Winner Takes It All’

Ethan Beckton Call Back with a James Bay song

Charlie Pittman with Teenage Dream by Katy Perry

Dillon Rhodes with A James Brown

Levi X sings ‘I Will Survive’ by Gloria Gaynor

Etienne Steven sings ‘Man In The Mirror’ by Michael Jackson

Jade Taunton sings ‘I’ll Never Love Again’ by Lady Gaga

Elly Poletti sings ‘Emotion’ by Destiny’s Child

Episode 10

Nenah Jones

Callum Warrender

Dan Daniels


Episode 9

Only three performances from the official channel were released.

Charlie Pittman

Emily Kate

Christian Ellis

Episode 8

Trisha Godinet

Brenda Bressed

Libby Worboys

Jaydean Miranda

He chose Guy Sebastian according to a source via Twitter aka X

Episode 7

Elly Poletti

Her blind audition sang Lady Gaga

Elsa Marilyn

Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell

The Bushwackers

“I Am Australian” by The Seekers is A national anthem for many in a nostalgia moment.

Gabby Asta

A blind audition of Tate McRae song.

Jade Talbot

Her blind audition sang a Dion classic.

Marley Sola

His blind audition featured a Stevie Wonder classic.

Episode 6

Another round of singing and the question remains. Would you add any of these performances to your favourite playlist?

A duo, with several solo performances featuring old and overused songs to a young to middle-aged audience. Just what is not needed.

Who if anyone is worth your time to invest in?

Make your decision quick and have a backup plan. Seventy acts in the pool, and only 48 advance to the callbacks. Only 6 will progress per team. The ratios are extraordinary against most acts. Only 8 percent of the total cast will make a team. Only the lucky (1.4 ) one percenter will win.

Episode 5

If you like Miley Cyrus, Guy Sebastian, and or Demi Lovato songs then tonight was your night.

David Aumua’s Audition

Maz Green’s Audition

Loving Maz Green’s cover of #Snap by @rosalinnmusic

Maz chooses @guysebastian

Sihana Haxhnikaj’s Audition

Sihana has such a special voice and an instant connection with Rita Ora.

The Voice Australia via X

Caitlyn Bamber’s Audition

I guess we can all change our minds about certain choices we face. Caitlyn just chose to change her mind on national television.

Nyree Hyser’s Audition

Nyree chooses @RitaOra

Episode 4

Tarryn Stokes


Tarryn Stokes, based in Melbourne Australia, is an experienced vocalist and vocal coach with a world-class voice providing services to the music industry …

Taryn chooses #TeamRita

Alex Jeans’ Audition

Nick Cunningham’s Audition

Nick chooses @RitaOra

Four chair turn for Nick and his unique rendition of the Aussie Anthem ‘Down Under’ classic!

Sean Millis’ Audition

Well said Mila. Watch. Jess turned first and then followed by Rita!

Robbie Hunt’s Audition

Robbie chooses #TeamGuy

Episode 3

Bella Mackenzie’s Audition

Bella joins #TeamGuy!!! Great pick up @GuySebastian!

Charlette Ginu

Maree Mamalis’ Audition

Dillon Rhodes’ Audition

Michaela Jayde’s Audition

Michaela chooses #TeamGuy!!!

Episode 2

Calista Nelmes’ Audition

Gezel Bardossi’s Audition

Gezel – at 12 years of age is the youngest artist on #TheVoiceAU 2023

Team Rita was chosen by her mother.

Ezra Williams’ Audition

She has a famous sister who appeared on another talent show in Australia.

Levi X’s Audition

Seven Nation Army Hit

Calista Nelmes Audition

Becky Hil – Remember the song

Shanae Watson’s audition

Four-chair turn following a sensational audition from Shanae tonight, with her father and family overwhelmed by the moment. Well worth the time to watch this performance.

Guy was right – It’s all about the chorus!

an epic rendition of Sia’s ‘Chandelier’

Channel 7

Shanae Watson | The Voice Australia

Shanae Watson is an Australian singer from Melbourne, Victoria. She is a contestant on The Voice Australia Season 12 in 2023. She is 23 years old. Shanae grew up listening to her father sing.

This was the best performance on Aussie TV in quite some time! Big statement!

Shanae chooses #TeamGuy

I believe Guy Sebastian just won the season with Shanae as long as he supports and encourages her. Will Australian teenage girls support her in the vote is hard to project. After all, this is simply a popularity competition, right?

Her Dad Shane Watson also auditioned to inspire his daughter to audition as well.

Ben Esber Audition

Ben chooses #TeamRita

Overnight Band Audition

Here we go again this franchise features groups in this edition. I am sure many in the crowd will enjoy this group. Good luck to them and all this season.

The Voice 2023: Overnight boy band turns all four chairs | …

TodayAn Australian boy band blew away the coaches as The Voice returned to screens on Sunday night, with newcomer Jason Derulo declaring they could explode “around the world”.

For those born later than 1999.

The Backstreet Boys are an American vocal group consisting of Nick Carter, Howie Dorough, AJ McLean, and cousins Brian Littrell and Kevin Richardson. They were formed in 1993 in Orlando, Florida. The group rose to fame with their international debut album, Backstreet Boys.


#Overnight choose #TeamGuy after Rita used her block.

Ethan Beckton audition

Here was another four-chair coach turn for this audition. Excuse all the screams from the soundtrack from this talented young performer. One to watch!

He joined along with Ettiene Team Jason which will mean they will compete against one another.

Ethan choosing his team #TeamJason #TheVoiceAU

Ettiene Steven Audition

This incredible teen blew our new judge away with her rendition of “Savage Love”!

The first four-chair turn of the season goes to the talented and powerful Ettiene!

Ettiene chose team #TeamJason #TheVoiceAU

Andrew Taylor-Knight’s audition

Andrew chooses #TeamJason

The Coaches On Stage performance

Watch The video

How many acts will appear on your screen or other media this season?

With more than 70 incredible artists taking to the biggest stage in Australia, viewers can expect electrifying performances and exhilarating chair-turning moments across every genre: rock, country, pop, soul, opera and everything in between.

“If I want someone on Team Rita, they are going to know about it!” she said.

Guy Sebastian forewarned viewers: “This would be the best overall talent we’ve ever had.”

For Jess Mauboy, it is all about hearing the story behind the voice.

“The artist needs the right song to tell their story and express emotion so the audience and coaches can really connect,” she said.

“The better they sing it, the more we feel it.”


It was hosted by this year’s Gold Logie nominee Sonia Kruger.

Teen singer stuns coaches in first look at the new season of The Voice

Ethan Beckton sings Labrinth’s song ‘Jealous’

“I could never see myself sitting behind a desk, but music is definitely a career I want to pursue.”

Ethan Beckton
Ethan Beckton sings his heart out on The Voice Australia Credit Seven

An 18-year-old landscaper leaves one coach speechless and another calling it ‘the perfect audition’.

Rita was left “speechless” by the teenager’s performance, while Jason declared: “Now that is a perfect audition. I was looking for someone just like you.”

After blowing the coaches away with his Blind Audition, Ethan admitted: “I’ve never had an actual music lesson.”

After ripping into his version of the Labrinth song Jealous, he gets a standing ovation – from the audience and all four coaches.

various as stated
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Katrina Web
Interests in media and writing content. Enjoys a variety of interests including following reality tv shows. Has a media degree and a passion for people.

Katrina Web

Interests in media and writing content. Enjoys a variety of interests including following reality tv shows. Has a media degree and a passion for people.

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