Love Island Australia 2023 Cast Journey watch

Love Island Australia 2023 Cast Journey watch

Here is a new series of the hit reality show featuring loving singles…Love Island Australia 2023 Cast Journey watch

As the season draws to a final our goal is to provide you with highlights of the cast this season appearing on Love Island Australia 2023 Cast Journey watch.

The Grand Finale will air stream on Monday next. At this stage, it looks like a landslide result for one couple. Revealed below.

The following table of contents will direct you to the latest and archived media as the journey concludes. Over time the media will change in this post. You can see the entire archive on YT here

Winners Kale and Tyra

For the viewers the gain of emotional satisfaction that the series ended with a couple who most did like over the others. We all want to find love and even if it is on a stage with unscripted moments.

To the winners well done.

All participants go down in television streaming history for ever and replays lasting weeks…

More bombs than past seasons, dropped at key moments through the season, replaced the somewhat casa amour episodes. If there was an equal trade off between more bombs or extras needed for casa is debatable. Some viewers enjoy the drama casa draws into the episodes. Now is the time to let the producers know what you want for next season.

Character Awards

Nate and Georgia were crowd favourites who were voted out strategically.

Most disliked characters this season – insert the names here.

Good luck to the cast in using this platform in finding your next gig or opportunity.

Are you ready for an All Star Season? Or have you seen enough of those characters?

Before the highlights let’s talk about unscripted acting in general.

Unscripted Acting

This post contains media with direct quotes from the cast members as filmed. You should be aware that the production may portray the individuals out of context and discernment may be your best option for each clip or scene. The individuals are compensated to appear with release contracts and are unscripted actors. Nonetheless, the values and emotions may be real creating the drama.

You will not find endless blogging here. You make up your mind and social media those comments. Enjoy the journey! Bookmark this post.

The Latest Releases and News

You will find the latest news releases and news at the top of this post. Over time these will be categorised within the theme under various headings. For example, cast information is a separate heading. Check the table of contents etc.

Link Post Show Couple Spoilers


The final episode reveals the season winners and a cash reward for one couple. Who reveals the winning card holder, decides to keep all the prize money for themselves or share it.

Plot twist. No.

Try-Kal will win! Just a prediction.

Kale Roberts and Tyra Johannes, Zac Nunns and Lucinda Strafford and Savannah Badger and Clint Posselt.

Voting Is Open Final Three Announced

Vote for your top three couples and the superfans (producer’s family cohorts) have voted for one couple to end their journey. Which couple was voted out? Watch the video. Spoiler alert. If you read past this then you will see the result.

Full Episode – Semifinal…love money, final four, romantic final dates and then there were three couples remaining. All crammed into one package…

Spoiler Alert

Tyra Kale aka TyrKa (made that up just now) or Try-Kale…

Sav and Clint aka Sav-C

Lucinda and Zac aka Luc-Zaca

Four Romantic Dates Outside The Villa

No one-time extraordinary villain this season. Reid like all the other islanders remained true to the plot stayed seated and forgo the twenty thousand dollars in cash.

So as a reward, all four islanders received the reward of individual romantic dates outside. Well, as real as possible. By the way, as to the cash, Sophie revealed that if someone left with the money, it would have been deducted from the $50,000 original prize money.

One Couple Dumped Top 4 Revealed

Meet the parents via ZOOM and does Reid reveal his true self? Not wanting to be all in with Chloe in answering a question. And wait for it.

Lucinda and Zac voted to dump Nate and Georgia,

Georgia and Nate voted for Clint and Savannah.

Chloe and Reid voted to dump Clint and Savannah.

Sav and Clint voted to dump Nate and Georgia – that is two apiece!

Kale and Tyria dumped Nate and Georgia deciding their fate.

Both were asked if they would go back in time and do this journey again Nate has one caveat, which showed his true feelings about the stress he endured. It was funny to a degree. Nate an original cast into the season has had a real rollercoaster ride inside. I do not see them lasting in real life due to his personality and scheduling issues. Georgia is a sweet young person who appeared indecisive or immature and shined through over her time. Good luck to both of them. Real life aint pretty outside the island.

The $20,000 Firepit carnage episode. Money over love. Who takes the cash?

Cash or a Relationship? Bids started at $5,000, then increased by five thousand dollars topping out at $20,000 (which is $5,000 below the shared win half split $25,000) as per the prize money total of $50,000 usually offered at the final. OMG.

In the final moment, the boy in the white pants, Reid was shown wiggling in his seat, hands moving, as a possible uncomfortable reaction or pre-attempt to raise and claim the prize. Did he?

Reid and or Chloe? End of the road? If he did rise and take the cash and be the biggest villain in Australian television history this decade? Possibly ever? Hahahaa we have to wait.

Married At First Sight Australia’s most unforgettable villains






If he took the money, does that mean there will be no money at the final? WTF. Unscripted acting reality bites.

Calling it now

A physic guest arrives at the villa and sets their relationships on their heads.

It is all in the tea, as this psychic Sarah hits the villa. Futures for islanders reveal many obstacles, personalities, real-life situations, finance, emotional support and a dash of cynicism.

Hard facts, distances and love take a lot to overcome. In general, two people commit to one another to join as one and find security. Will any of this cast even contemplate moving across town, let alone halfway around the world these days?

Let’s watch.

Zac is not a believer while Lucinda is well-versed. She has the power to earn a big income – double Scorpio. How exciting. Zac is just him. They are very individual and will have to work hard to continue this relationship. No surprise.

Tyria is all for her reveal, analyses issues and is somewhat psychic in her ways. She has an internal fight with herself and he has to help set that free! More…

Georgia Nate, and Clint with Sav were revealing in many ways. Good insight into where they are at the moment.

Is this another point where the show goes one step too far?

Baby eggs are in the villa. Reality bites all the cast on the backside. It reveals whether any of them as individuals could or would support their so-called partner as a parent. Watch the reactions below.

Who talks about dealbreaking?

Kale and Tyra enjoy the Hideaway.

Make or Break Era Concludes

Time for the islanders to find love or go home single. Everyone goes home in the end.

The end of an era sees three islanders vacate their roles and go back to the hotel for more shenanigans while they wait for the final dealbreakers to be revealed.

Three singles – two girls OG Nakia left single. Harmony the last bombshell left single.

Three Singles At The Firepit Ends

The climax of the show was for Andy to roll with either of the girls. He chose to self-sacrifice himself and declared himself single. In the end, all three were left single. Host Sophie Monk, somewhat stunned announced all three islanders were dumped.

The five remaining couples will remain until the end of the show

  • Nate and Georgia
  • Tyra and Kale
  • Zac and Lucinda
  • Clint and Savannah
  • Reid and Chloe

As departures go all three islanders had made friends within the cliques and tears with smiles were prevalent. The best two scenes were between OG’s Nakia and Tyra. Followed by Andy and Nakia’s hotel room remarks.

Nakia was outspoken and savage one-liners entered the Love Island Legends Hall of Fame. Note to producer’. Start a Hall of Fame one-liner archive

Andy realised that his choosing one over the other was too hard to call. So rather than couple up in the showmance relationship he sacrificed himself and, at the same time sacrificed both girls’ journeys as well. Never happened before in this edition.

Earlier Speculation Prior Episode

The final recoupling happens in the next episode. One more challenge has some couples questioning everything. One islander is dumped and “not who you expect.” Well, that is true,

So here is what we know.

Andy has a huge decision to make. Nakia or Harmony. He gave Nakia all his attention in the strip heart rate challenge. Nakia’s highest heart rate was for Andy. While Harmony’s highest heart rate was for Reid. Which begs the question does the “bomb-diffuser” strike back?

Indication appears that Chloe finds out that Reid has had several threesomes in past relationships which will be a plot drama point. The single islander currently is Nakia, but Andy pays her more attention than Harmony.


Strip Show

Men stripping for the women. Nakia and Andy get it on for the camera! Will he switch back to OG Nakia and dump Harmony? It’s the last play of the season besides more dumpings. Watch the short preview in the full episode below.

Coupling Snapshot

Nate and Georgia. OG boy Nate rocks the hideaway to solidify their relationship into the final two couples. After the hideaway he realises that he gave her a false time allowance of five to six times per week, be wound back to the lower side 2 or 3 times per week. Georgia was upset that he tried to schedule her on the low side and gave her bad ex-boyfriend vibes. She wants more, he wants less. At night, she shares with Nate that she wants to work out those details in due time and just focus on developing their relationship inside the villa. Which pleases the audience in the present.

Tyra and Kale are the other couple who have won fans this season and should be in the final. More to come. Not much changes here. Stripper Night Kale fails to register outside of Tyra with the highest rate. It seems their strategy is to avoid any drama and sail into the final.

Nakia, Andy, and Harmony’s love triangle will damage their chances in the final. I do not see how this plays out well for any of them in the remaining time in this series. He is looking for a specific type and age partner. Right now he is off both of them. However, he is shown kissing Nakia on the stripper night right in front of Harmony. Sparks fly. Nakia is 21, and direct while Harmony is nearly 24, and quieter in personality. He broke up with Harmony in their late-night bed chat. That was heard by Tyra.

Looking ahead. Who does he finally choose next time? It will be the last chance inside the villa. Then, Post Stripper Night, Andy was favouring Nakia and they will recouple. Leaving Harmony and Reid (if he chooses) to move on.

Zac and Lucinda’s rollercoaster ride has not won many fans this season speaks volumes about the negative results to come. They are now boyfriend and girlfriend by flipping cards from the balcony. This relationship is built on cards and will ultimately collapse.

Dating Boy Code

Morning meeting with the boy conversations revealed a surprising theme. Nate was sharing his usual outside dating requisites was only to see a girl three to five days per week, Georgia allegedly wanted to see him every day post the show. Within a microsecond, all the boys jumped in stating that was not normal and boys always wanted their time during the week. Insisting that two to three days per week was sufficient. Interesting mindset within the group. How do the girls react?

Dating has different meanings for this group of twenty-something-year-olds. Aussie boys seem to crave their own time and spending time with other blokes (men/boys).

Real Connections

As to real connections in life, it is possible to claim that none of this male cast will understand what a female is looking for is security and presence with each other. Sharing time is healthy for relationship building and future life. Somewhere there is a gap between the boys and the girls in this cast and reality comes crashing back outside the villa.

Memo to the boys continue your behaviour and sample those relationships while you are young. However, you may want to reassess what girls want. Not sharing your free time with someone you are dating to marry may move on if another man finds your girl alone. Just a claim. Do your research. What is your goal and strategy to get there? How and with whom? The most important is to discover your why. None of these boys seem interested in breaking the boy code behaviours as featured.

Savannah and Clint Sparks Fly

Sav and Clint, seem perfect together in the vibe chat mode, and the early days are still for fans to vote. Credit to her for being real in trying to find love even with Trent.

Reid and Chloe, too early, and his history as the ‘bomb-defuser’ has not played out well with fans. So Dramatic reported recently that he has been spotted outside living a single life.

Will any of these relationships survive short or long-term outside the villa?

Real life is tough. Distance will challenge any relationship. It takes motivation to move to live with someone else in another city, state, or even country.

On the one hand, it is possible. I know myself. However, reality bites economically, and romantically, families, and aspirations all require attention. True love finds a way to succeed.


Best Bromance Couple – Zac and Trent

Most Tears – Zac and Trent

Boyfriend Girlfriend – Zac and Trent Lucinda


Here are three media clips from the latest release. Andy and Harmony as were the other couples asked to vote either Trent or Nakia off the show last time. The majority, four to two sent Trent home. Andy and Harmony were one of the couples who voted to send Nakia home. She remains in the villa due to the vote. Strategically, the decision could have gone either way for any of the couples.

However, Andy stated in the episode that he verbalised the two scenarios, which faced them. He along with Harmony “we” voted for Nakia (as did Zac and Lucinda – no love lost for Nakia). Post the firepit, the remaining islanders try and figure out who made the call to send her home. It all points to a joint decision and Harmony makes one claim while Andy makes another. Lying appears to be too harsh a word in this case.

You are the judge!

A new challenge for the cast is to create more drama.

Zac tries to redeem himself with Lucinda with this previously rendered whiteboard balcony ‘proposal’. Or is it to redeem his sorry arse with fans in an attempt to remain in contention for the prizes and possible followers.

Do you buy this or not?

While all the attention is on Zac and Lucinda a text is sent to Georgia. For winning the challenge the hideaway is open for business. Sav is shown expressing the villa’s majority of happiness for the couple to have some alone time together. Simply for many, a highlight of this rather shipwrecked season!


Goodbyes to Trent in this episode as the cast works to self-eliminate and or vacate the villa one way or another.

Nakia was left single and temporarily in the villa with some unfinished business to attend to. One of her two votes came from the new couple Andy and Harmony. Trent received four votes to be eliminated.

Zac’s reaction was tears all the way.

Next time is the Nakia-Andy postmortem and she is asking all the questions. The other islanders ask who decided to nominate Nakia to leave between Andy and Harmony. Or was it a mutual decision? Harmony claimed it did not matter to her, while Andy claimed it was a mutual decision. That is the drama point.

For the record

Kale and Tyra voted to dump Trent.

Zac and Lucinda voted for Nakia.

Nate and Georgia voted to dump Trent.

Andy and Harmony stood. She spoke about not knowing either of them in her decision. Andy then spoke about the decision in “we” terms and announced Nakia was their choice. It is not rocket science to say the choice upset Nakia’s cohorts. She posed the biggest threat to Harmony’s remaining journey. And other speculation will follow.

Finally, the other new couple Sav and Clint spoke and voted to dump Trent. Result 4-2 to dump Trent. He left single and was not the only one to do so. At the end of the day, everyone goes home most without the reward and so-called fame.

Villain Ends Join Make or Break Era

Next time.

The Final Bombshells Arrive

One boy and one girl walk into the post-Movie Night event where do we begin?

Meet Clint 28 from the Sunshine Coast Qld. He meets and dates Sav on a double date with Sav. Bye-bye, Trent. Make or Break Era is here.

Harmony 23 from Sydney. Double dates with Andy and she is his type and closer to his age than Nakia. So that’s the drama start point.

Sav and Clint’s First

Zac and Lucinda have it out. No biggie, Zac threatens to leave as his coping mechanism reveals his way of being not accountable to anyone, especially to himself. If he does leave, then that opens the door for an unfinished business sequel at a future reunion. Maybe his fans can support his post-villa recovery.

On the other hand, do you see how actors, without scripts, manipulate others in seeking love and cash rewards? You can run the list of names yourself.

Ugly word salad ensued after the movie night clips between Zac and Lucinda with Andy and Chloe acting as peacemakers in an attempt to cool things down.

The girls have become aware of how toxic the Zac and Trent bromance is in the villa.

We are shown some loving scenes between Kale and Tyra, as well as Georgia and Nate post-movie night. Time for some romance between the islanders. Goodbye to the villain era.

Harmony is Andy’s type and she will choose him the firepit. Nakia will be dumped? Clint will a couple up with Sav and Trent will be finally sent home.

Harmony seeks out Reid. Harmony asks Andy how he would react to her picking him.

Wait! What is Zac so upset about? Did he lose his bromance friend Trent? One goes home.

Trya is visibly upset standing close to Nakia uttering those immortal words FM!

Who was dumped will surprise everyone.

Movie Night Showdown

Movie Night will reveal some of the bad behaviours of some of the islanders’ so-called partners. Will the frat house finally be broken up and the girls deal with their boys? Just my two cents.

Nakia Andy Showcase Clip

Trouble remarks

Zac Throws Nate Under the Bus For Lucinda

Lucinda and Zac’s first kiss was a lie. Lucinda sees the reveal.

Not shown in this clip was the Kale and Tyra, and how the full circle is now complete for the cast. We have already seen and felt these emotions for them. It was even better the second time around watching the cast react. Even Nakia is now team Kale and Tyra!

The three favourite couples standing

Kale and Tyra

Andy and Nakia

Nate and Georgia.

Send the rest home.

Notice how Andy, Kale and Nate are on the other side of all the boy drama, aka Zac, Trent and Reid. The men’s (maturity) vs the boy’s (immature) behaviours are on show for you all to watch.

I can’t believe that all Lucinda and Savannah took away from Georgias clips is georgias lack of communication after they just watched both of their “men” call her crazy and throw Nate under the bus again


On the other side, notice the two groups of girls supporting each other, between, Georgia, Chloe, and Nakia, vs Tyra, Lucinda and Sav. Well done to all trying to damage girl code in one series. Tyra has the maturity to show the path for the Chloe and Reid couple. But as Chloe states she will make her path with him and either succeed or fail. Is Reid happy with Chloe? Or will his head be turned by another bomb? Tasia, Kirra, Abby, and the other girl all fell for his charm.

Plenty of reveals in the above clip, all stuff we have cringed about already, and yet the islanders learn for the first time. Epic cringe relationships and Zac will not stop even with Andy asking to. Is Zac and Lucinda done? Then there was a dead man walking Reid. Trent got a snippet.

Reid burns. Watch the clip. Too many reveals for the girl cast. Note two other boys encouraged this behaviour, namely Zac and Trent. All three need to be left out of respect to the girls and viewers. This is not a love island it is a mateship island.

Plenty of you are stating this on social media.

Who will be the next to leave? Zac, Trent, Sav and even Lucinda.

This time villain Trent has to dump either Sav or Tasia or himself from the villa. He cleverly deflects for 30 seconds that he should send himself home. WTF Yes!

Then back peddles for less than 10 seconds and sends Tasia packing to rekindle his love for Sav. None. Yes, the dude uses another of his nine lives to save his arse.

Slippery When Wet

Some of the best digs (one-liner jabs) at fellow islanders reveal true feelings among the cast.

Choose your best line.

Zac and Lucinda, Kale and Tyra, Andy and Nakia, and Nate chose Georgia, leaving Sav and Tasia single and Trent single. Oh, the web they weave in this series.

The challenge promo reveals Sav continues to pursue Andy, while Nakia sees her plan to steal him. Trent attacks Georgia in a move that reflects his immaturity versus her exploring Nate and him. She is only 21 and the blokes seem to want to shame her for being indecisive. Can’t wait for Zac’s incredibly unworthy comments in this episode.

Will Trent finally get dumped? Or will Tasia save him again?

Will Andy chose Sav?

Reid is waiting for the next bomb?

Chloe coupled up with her man aka Reid!

The boys stand and are judged by the superfans. They were asked to vote for which boy is most genuinely looking for love. Most voted for was:

  • Andy sits
  • Kale
  • Nate
  • Three remain, Zac, Trent, and Seb all move forward to face the islanders. All the girls were asked to stand up. Most voted for were
  • Tyra
  • Nakia
  • Tasia
  • Lucinda
  • Three remain, Sav, Georgia, and Abby.
  • The Top three guys choose which girl to send home and Tyra, Nakia, and Lucinda choose the boy to dump. The girls save both OG’s. Trent should have gone home. Yet he remains along with Zac.

Watch the clip for the result.

Abby was dumped and she reacted well to the decision while Lucinda was torn between losing her friend. Overall, well played Abby, you did yourself proud considering the limited available opportunities in the villa. Trent and Reid never should have been cast for the series, yet they thrive in the villa. Seb four days! Back to Melbourne.

Maybe Abby and Seb need a room together as their exit chat hinted.

Who will be dumped?

  • Girl Candidate a) Abby
  • Boy Candidate b) Nate

Loser – Reid for coupling up with every bombshell who has entered the villa. Called out by the girls. Chloe has shown interest.

Sav wants to couple up with Andy, (he chose Nakia over her) Will he? Seb heard from Sav she is keen to couple up with Andy. Seb seems bemused by her expression of interest and may move on to another pick in the villa.

Seb and Andy are the wildcard movers. Seb may choose from either Sav, Tasia, and or Abby. Meanwhile, Andy may want to drop out of the drama with Nakia and chase Sav.

Trent and Georgia are a new couple in the making. Although she is seen again with Nate in a preview clip – she has made her choice….or something to that effect.

Tasia was dumped by Reid on the bike and she is shocked! Come on girl get your act on.

The Truth Bike Strikes Back

For the first time this season, the islanders must now sit on the bike and face yes-no questions from their cohorts.

Nakia and Tyria’s plot twist happens for all viewers as both girls try and remain besties.

Media Recap

Trent thanks Abby for saving his butt at the last firepit. Both need to get busy and graft new relationships or either of them are candidates to be dumped. Although Reid seems to be the most unpopular islander among his cohorts this week.

The bike scene is brutal and you need to watch the segment yourselves.

Reid will dump Tasia and wants Chloe. While Chloe has him as her first choice next round. Perfect.

The remainder of the episode focuses on the Georgia, Nate, and Trent triangle. Again she has been in two minds about either and on the bike revealed a stronger connection for Trent.

Nate is unhappy and left bewildered about the choice and walks aimlessly among the others for the rest of the episode.

The next episode will see two dumpings.

Likely pairings

Chloe choses Reid!

We ate due to superfan-initiated dumping?

Meet Chloe, 24 years old Sydney born and raised in Chelsea in the UK. Clip to come.

Nakia’s bestie Tyria attempts to explain her decision to couple up with her ex-Kale in this episode of the series. Standby.

Speculation on the plot.

Nakia and Andy alliance vs Tyria and Kale alliance. Awkward. Look for other islanders being divided on the question in this puzzle of toes-on-toes plot.

New girl bombshell means another girl will go home. The likely girl appears to be Abby. While she chose to save OB Trent over Aidan, she is likely to be ousted by Trent’s wondering head.

Will the superfans vote one or two couples off soon? Or will the bombshell have first chance.

Kale Returns Seeking a New Love

Kale has unfinished business and seeks out Tyria for an opportunity to reconnect with her. The date is outside the villa. Who does she choose? I think you will be surprised by his reveal and circumstances as much as Tyria and Nakia.

She was “now or never(ed)” on the date (by text) and choose to return to the villa with Kale in hand.

Trent jockeys for a position with Georgia over Nate. Who does she choose?

Tasia and Reid could be a thing. Who does she choose?

Seb and Abby have a role play date. Aidan becomes vulnerable and is texted by the producers. Nakia is confused that Tyra made a coupling choice without consulting with her.

Seb is into Savanah with her laughter and chat as headliners.


Bombs choose. Then girls choose.

Tyria and Kale were revealed before the recoupling and the islanders were all shocked and or surprised by their actions. Nakia was in shock. Tyria sits next to Kale and Nakia is with Andy. Abby whispered she’s an idiot.

Tasia selected Reid.

Seb coupled with Sav!

Lucinda chooses Zac as expected!

Nakia chose Andy!

Georgia had to choose Nate, or Aidan or Trent. She chose Nate.

Abby decides between Trent and Aidan. Shes upset because one will go home. Trent was chosen. Tears and awesome boys. Aidan says his goodbye and regrets not pursuing Sav.

Tyria and Nakia need to talk about the reconnection.

Bye for now.

Two Bombs Arrive

With Kale’s exit, now the Andy, Savanah, Nakia and Trent with Georgia whirlwind begins.

Add Tyra and Aiden, Abby and Reid all ending their connections. Open the doors for new meat.

Drop the hideaway is open with no discussion, Lucinda and Zac with all the girls and boys joining into the ritual! The best day ever screamed Lucinda.

Add the two new bombshells and off we the cliff we go.

Trent and Georgia explore naughty chat with each other! Finally, a kiss comes out of the chat. Trent enters his auto happy world after his psychical intervention. Meanwhile to boys talk about bums, money and bombshells.

Georgia went back to Nate and shared that Trent was not a good kisser.

Nakia and Andy move forward with chat and kissing.

Text time. Boys exit the villa for boat date! Enter the new bombshells.

Let the pitching begin for the next boy and girl. Tasia 24, from Brisbane enters the scene with chaos ensues.

Enter boy bombshell to the villa. More chaos villainous adventures. Single girls galore. Seb, 24 from Melbourne enters with his six pack out, all the girls are excited.

Kale is back with some unfinished business! What do the producers want us to believe in this twist? Are we being subjected to an angry boy actor about to play a victim card? What do you think?

Villain Era New Boy Bombshell and one is dumped

Definition of Villain: a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot:

Villains: Nakia, Trent, Andy, Abby, and Georgia

Lucinda with Zac both are single following the departure of Tia and Ryan.

Producers sent a text message seeking the other islanders consent for a recoupling between Lucinda and Zac. One islander suggests they write each other a love poem, and the other islanders agree to the reunion. Both seemed to enjoy the challenge.

Kale is gone. Andy finds his feet in the villa experiencing fall out from his choice of Nakia. She chooses to stay in the villa to experience more connection with Andy.

Trent moves on Georgia. She questions his intensions in the villa as well as outside. No kisses are exchanged during the episode (shown).

Savanah and Trent end their infatuation in one of the most agreeable endings ever shown on the series.

Meanwhile, Nate is in the dark until one of the girls speaks to him about it Georgia. He spends the rest of the episode contemplating his next move.

Tyra is not sure about Aiden. Suggesting the earlier infatuation has ended with real life issues. Bed making and coffee servicing ala Ben’s style.

Lucinda and Zac appear to be cruising along together. Although Abby during the office challenge took Zac to the table for some enthusiastic romance.

Nakia has jealous reactions over Andy with Savanah during the episode. She continues to fight for own self values and status in the villa. None of the boys were happy how Kale left. Any overreaction was not aired, and little contact was shown between her the other males. She was focussed on Andy.

Abby calls out Reid and villain era continues. His explanation to the boys was underwhelming in the way he just let Abby ask the questions. He was not moved to fight for her. Just another actor on the series. Bombs away

Seb and Tasia (boy girl) new bombshells included in the next episode. Villan era continues.

Expect Abby, Georgia, Savanah to move on. One boy and girl will go home.

Nate, Savanah, Abby, and or Reid appear to be headed for the exit this next episode. It depends on who the bombs choose. I’d suggest there is no completely closed couple right now.

Meanwhile, predicts the new bombshell arrival, sharing she feels her connection with Trent is hot and cold. She shares the scene with Lucinda who claims to have her back.

Enter the American bombshell via a jet ski all girl date. He received exclusive time with all the girls and the boys are left in the dark except for one text. Villian era.

Nate and Georgia explore their relationship while Trent fantasise about him wanting to connect with Georgia and dump Savanah!

One boy is was dumped from the villa!

The reveal on who went home is set up for each girl to walk into the firepit area either alone or with Andy. Sophie announced to the boys sitting in the area alone. Who did he pick?

Top Two picks Andy chose were Nakia and Savanah. Which placed Trent and Cale in jeopardy of leaving the villa.

Who went home? Kale

Nakia now finds herself on the wrong side of the boys’ behavioural issues. Name calling and victim…

Recoupling Georgia Nate and other reponses

Zac tries to understand that another bloke took his girl while Aiden and Ryan tried to contemplate the girls reactions.

Nakia and Cale enjoy a romantic date. Villian era starts in the villa.

Superfans vote for most popular couples in the villa. Nakia and Cale is obviously a good choice. Tyra and Aiden are not an obvious choice, due to their recent coupling in the previous episode. That vote was possibly hard to support in my opinion.

Consequently, the bottom two couples, hard to explain were Tia and Zac along with Ryan and Lucinda both recent coupling bombshell actions.

Rather than send home the couples, the four have to choose one girl and one boy to send home. It was decided that Tia and Ryan leave.

Tia has to be congratulated for saving the pointed Zac from elimination and ultimately sent home over Lucinda. Ryan’s journey speaks for itself.

What do you believe happened?

Another male bombshell hits the scene. More carnage this upcoming episode. The producers have one intent and chaos is everywhere. At this rate, no one will find a enduring relationship on this show.

Georgia Arrives while Ben is Dumped in the Latest Season Shocker

The boy bombshells have spoken by choosing Lucinda and Tyra respectively. Ending the journey for one of the boys, in this case the new female Georgia speed dated both Nate and Ben for a short five minutes in reality tv time. She chose Nate thereby dumping original cast member Ben from the series. Hard luck Ben.

New couples include

  • Lucinda with “the Gong’s big dude” Ryan, he could have chosen Tia….”critical thinking.”
  • Tyra with UK Aiden which was a choice with many tears.
  • Zac and Tia – kudos to her for saving him for Lucinda. He is already friend zoned.

How do all the islanders react to the new recoupling?

Next time, Zac appears to blame Lucinda for sending out mixed messages to Ryan. Trent opens his mind to chasing Georgia claiming she is more his type,

The Title Speaks for itself

Meet Georgia the New Bombshell

Ryan Features in Mistletoe Game

Tia Ends It with Nate

Following the recoupling event, the end is revealed between Tia and Nate.

Two New Male Bombs Arrive Aidan and Ryan

A new of “The Vibe” starts with the arrival of two male bombs to dethrone some of the original males or even Reid. Meet Aidan and Ryan.

Ryan appeared in a lengthy scene talking to Savannah. Later he fancies Lucinda more. While Aidan speaks with Lucinda in a scene where she declares she is closed with Zac, yet he states he will chat with her as necessary.

No new girl bombshell revealed this episode.

Abby is the only girl that appears to like Reid.

Nate and Tia’s relationship seems headed or already on the rocks.

Will another girl’s head be turned by the new arrivals? I suspect this will happen.

The two new arrivals choose at the next recoupling with the girls choosing the following round. That is a prediction, Monk did offer the viewers a spoiler alert, implying she would make surprise entrances and this view confirms an unusual event.

A Girl Is Dumped

Sadly, one girl cast member is dumped by numbers alone. Nate has the choice to make and did the job.

All the bullying from the previous episode seems to have been washed away. Lucinda reacted to the Zac Abby incident by suggesting that he should immediately apologise for his approach. Trent turned up with Zac to apologize for his poor actions as well.

Kirra was set up from the start and had one of the best lines this whole season when she was left single by Abby stealing Reid. When asked by Da Monk…watch!

Nate was acting as guard for Abby while Reid did not (not shown). It appears that all the directly involved islanders decided to move on. Who knows if the producers intervened?

The Superfans alleged content was provocative and through the cast for a loop. The content no doubt influenced actions and reactions in this non scripted show. It’s based-on manipulation and invoking drama and the reactions of the cast are not always predictable. In summary very awkward to watch.

The full episode is included in the post. Make up your mind about all the content.

Episode 5 and 6

Abby shares her thoughts and conversations with other female islanders about their respective partners. What the video showed was an example of bullying and it is not cool.

The behaviours shown by the cast in the scene between Reid and Abby confronted by Zac and Trent warrants some action by the producers. The cast will do what they can to share their concerns.

However, actions have consequences and while producers seek drama and conflict the line appears to have been crossed. If the show is to hold any credibility, then Zac and Trent need to pack their bags and leave.

Abby Drama

In the preview of the next episode, Abby is called out by both Trent and Zac for lighting fires around the villa. Plenty of voice overs as Abby walks away from her accusers and onto the next reveal.

Reid and Kirra are not in a relationship. Reid is pursuing Abby.

Trent questions Savanah’s inability to filter her communication.

New Bomb Abby Realises Kirra is in the Villa

Short clip featuring new bomb named Abby has arrived in the villa following a male dumping. Spicier era.

Abby meets with Zac and finds out that she has a connection with one of the islanders. Let the drama begin. MAFS means Married At First Sight and the two females named were on the opposite side of the one relationship.

Harrison was Abby’s ex-boyfriend who married Bronte who happens to be Kirra’s sister. Reminder, that Reid had dated Kirra’s sister Bronte to MAFS. Small world, right?

Superannuation is a unique retirement plan used in Australia as a savings retirement plan. In other words, it’s a form of retirement asset that accumulated over a person’s work life,

First Dumping Does Not Disappoint

Kale and Nakia Kiss

These two start their journey together after the two date scene..

Reid Has A Game Plan

Kirra and Reid make a decision.

Comparing Aussies and Brits – Cast Thoughts

Lucinder and Ben discuss similarities between their homelands.

Spicy Game – Hit It Off

Unwanted Pest

Ever found an unwanted pest? Well, you will hear about the social norms from the girls. No filters.

Arrested Doing It – TMI Too Much Information

Social norms break down when the villa boys compare stories. Too much information bro!


The short version of the pairings along the journey. These will change over time. We will try and keep up!

Love Island Australia 2023 Cast Journey watch

Full Cast Members Including Bombshells arriving

Meet Reid

Intro of the latest bombshell to hit the villa.

Reid reveals he hooked up with Kirra’s Sister and her look is rather overwhelmed. Does Reid want to meet Kirra? No surprises.

Lucinda makes her choice and she steps on another girl’s toes. It’s early and she has the potential to be a long-term resident in the villa.

Who chose who and the rejections?

Wildest Bedroom Injury – Latest

Savanah was chosen for many reasons to be in the cast. Enjoy this clip.

She’s My Crush media

One of the boys confesses his crush is Lucinda and will they hook up?

So You Want To See?

Zac’s “head” is turned already? Watch this clip to see why he has big eyes for Lucinda. Let the games begin.

Ben and Tyra seem to be vibing early from the start in this clip. The heat is causing some serious connections in the villa. Warning couple aroma is discussed.

First Night In The Villa Media

What is your favourite sleeping position?

Exploring The Villa Clip

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Katrina Web
Interests in media and writing content. Enjoys a variety of interests including following reality tv shows. Has a media degree and a passion for people.

Katrina Web

Interests in media and writing content. Enjoys a variety of interests including following reality tv shows. Has a media degree and a passion for people.

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